My Point of View

From my perspective many physical and emotional symptoms, or mental disorders, are our innate wisdom’s way of getting our attention and telling us we are off the mark, off course from who we really are. Or something has happened that we have not organically reprocessed and we need help re-engaging our innate capacity to heal. Symptoms start small and continue to magnify when we ignore them. Just missing the basic resource of being Self-aware will contribute to an increase of symptoms. Our society’s structure of ignoring or medicating symptoms add to problems and cause further symptoms.
We medicate headaches, stomach aches and fatigue instead of listening to ourselves and making life sustaining and enhancing changes. Parents have become so disconnected. “I am too busy", schedules are more important than what is authentically happening for a child in a given moment. How do children maintain and live from their innate wisdom if their innate wisdom is never acknowledged, nurtured, or mentored?
Much of what causes physical and emotional symptoms comes from thinking, feeling, believing. and acting in a way that is other than from who we are Authentically. How do we lose connection from our Authenticity? There are many sources. Parents may be sick, under stress or other than aware of important developmental activities that are crucial to our foundation. Parents may not be living Authentically themselves, so children have no role model of living Authentically. We are programmed by our families, culture, society, schools, media, etc.
We create beliefs and perspectives to get us through challenges in our lives. At some point beliefs and perspective, that are other than who we really are, no longer work and cause symptoms. I often tell clients; symptoms are a way our Authenticity is attempting to get us back on course to who we really are and what is right for us.

The Principles of Entrainment
Did you know that you are impacted by those around you? You say, "Of course." Did you know you are capable of picking up the thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, (and for those of you energetically away the energy) of others? Have you ever paused to ask what is yours and what you are aware of that is going on with others?
What is entrainment?
“The Entrainment Transformation Principle: A physics phenomenon of resonance, first observed in the 17th century, has an effect on all of us. Entrainment is defined as the tendency for two oscillating bodies to lock into phase so that they vibrate in harmony. It is also defined as a synchronization of two or more rhythmic cycles. The principle of entrainment is universal, appearing in chemistry, pharmacology, biology, medicine, psychology, sociology, astronomy, architecture and more.
The classic example shows individual pulsing heart muscle cells. When they are brought close together, they begin pulsing in synchrony. Another example of the entrainment effect is women who live in the same household often find that their menstrual cycles will coincide.” (Source: Sound Feelings).
What if many of your thoughts, emotions and physical sensations are not yours but you keep making choices based on what you are aware of in others. Could that possibly change things significantly? Learning to be consistent in asking what is going on, and how to let go of what is not yours is a bit of a journey.
This is why it can be difficult to change your circumstances. If you have entrained to misery and that feels familiar, it can be a challenge to change things. Many people have escaped their very difficult circumstances by consistently choosing to be around people who are more Authentic. At first it is very uncomfortable because it is not familiar. It also brings up internal limitation that need to be cleared.
The good news is that the more people who choose to Live Authentically the more we can facilitate change on a larger scale. It only takes the square root of 1% of the population to change things on a larger level. The more you step up and Live Authentically the more you contribute to the larger community to do the same.

Innate Wisdom & Modern Interference
Developmental activities such as creeping, crawling, cross patterning, and spinning are important for neurological development, emotional and psychological development. Companies have developed products which interfere with our important developmental activities.
These products are developed to manage kids so parents can do other things. Keeping babies off of their bellies with swings, walkers, seats that keep them on their backs all prevent kids from developing focus, concentration, impulse control, math and reading skills. We now have an explosion of ADD and ADHD.
Many kids and adults have often been deprived of important developmental activities. Did you know when infants learn to push themselves up with their arms, while on their bellies, are developing boundaries, an ability to push burdens away? So, if a child is kept on their backs how do they develop this skill.
There is this false notion that infants require “tummy time”. The fact is all time is tummy time (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) until our innate intelligence moves them to their next developmental stage. Our curiosity of sights we see, and sounds we hear, pulls us into activating required muscles at each developmental stage, pulling us into new skills. Challenges we experience, activating and mastering new muscles, contribute to our capacity to face challenges in life, master new abilities, and develop confidence. A must in living a satisfying and successful life.

The Importance of Being Self Aware
Somatic & Energetic Resourcing™ gives you the opportunity to discover what your own resources are. First you will learn how to work in a Self-Aware state yourself. Are you aware when you are connected and Authentically You, and when you are not? What physical, emotional, and cognitive (quality of thoughts not content) experiences do you have when you are Authentically Self-aware, connected, centered, boundaried, contained; and when you are not? Self-Awareness activities will increase your Self-awareness and your skills for tracking yourself during a session. This allows you to use the same skills in your daily life.